Lilypie Maternity tickers

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Monday, July 26, 2010

Clomid #1

So I'm done with my first round of Clomid!  And it makes me feel so productive.  :)  Today was CD 12 and I we went in for or u/s.  I have one egg on my right ovary that measures in at 16 mm.  I'm going back in Thursday afternoon to see if it has gotten any bigger so that if I don't get pregnant this cycle they'll know if thy need to increase my dosage for next time.  I'm feeling very hopeful and excited!  There is success alone in the fact that my body actually grew an egg!!!  Even if I don't get pregnant it's success for me.  Strange how small things can seem like such big steps forward.  No bad side effects as of yet.  Brian says he's noticed that my high's and low's are a little more noticeable, but other than that I feel normal.  I'm hoping 50 mg's is enough because I sense that my mood would drastically worsen on a stronger dosage.  I'm crossing my fingers!  BUt so far so good.  Still hopeful, which for me is the important thing.  I'm a little nervous about the next appointment though.  We've been seeing the assistant and she's not available on Thursday, so we have to see the main Dr.  But he's a man.  And I know I'll get over it, but there's hasn't been a man down there other than my husband, like, ever!  So it'll be a new experience for me.  And I hope he's nice.  Wish me luck with my little egg!

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