I got married a little over two years ago. We've actually been together since we were 14. And we never even broke up! Quite a feat if you ask me. But he's amazing and makes it all so easy. I'm the hard one :) We have a little dog named Dexter and and cat named Evan. My animals have human names because I am DYING for a baby! We've just started to try but it's only been a few weeks. I went off the pill in March because basically I never wanted to have sex anymore. The hormones made my sex drive go WAY down! So we decided I would go off and slowly we've started using nothing. But only as of a few weeks ago are we more trying. My husband's still a little apprehensive, but I promised I wouldn't go crazy and become all the way obsessed with getting pregnant. And I have a little. I was never really regular before I went on the pill and so going off I was hoping it would stay regular. And it was for a few months, but I totally skipped my last period. I started yesterday morning though and I was so happy! I was so worried that something was wrong with me. I bought one of those First Response Fertility Tests, and you use it the third day of your period, so I'll use it in the morning. It just tells you if you have a good number of eggs and I think also if you have a good amount of the hormone that releases the eggs. But I'm not sure. It just felt like a step in the right direction I guess. And I got an OPK so that I can know a little bit better what to expect cycle wise. If I skip another period I want to know where I end up ovulating.
I'm afraid of trying to for a year or so and finding out that it's hard for us to get pregnant. I'm too young to find that out. We don't have health insurance yet, but when we do I don't know if it will cover fertility stuff. I know, what are we doing trying to have a baby when we don't even have insurance? Call me unconventional. And maybe even stupid. Probably more stupid.
I'm hungry. Need to eat!
So with our first month of really trying, or just more actively trying, we'll see how the OPK works. It seems like a lot of people get pregnant that way but I don't want to get my hopes up.